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Friday, June 19, 2009

A Few Recent Thoughts

So today was an interesting, but very good day. First, I want to write down a few testimonies that were shared in the past few days. A friend of mine talked about how he grew up in a hindu family and when he became a Christian while in college he was shunned by his family. He randomly came to project because his roommate said he should try it. He spoke how his niece had run away and could not be found. Some of his family called him to tell she was found, the best part is it was after they prayed to God instead of their gods. They were so excited my friend then was able to share the gospel with his family who received Christ. He was so excited as well as I was for him. Another testimony was shared about a guy who was atheist when he came to project. His friend told him that coming to San Diego was a fun time but left out that i was a Christian organization. Through coming here he trusted God for the first time in his life. Ironically his friend that had invited him left early but he is very exicted to be out here now.
Tonight people from invisible children came and showed a film and talked to us. It once again put things into perspective for me. I was not aware as to how big the issue was and how much it affected central Africa. I ask you to please pray for the cause and to pray for the thousands of children who have be abducted and their only release is to constantly run or be killed. Watching the video and seeing the destruction and madness has really put me into a feeling in which I can not quite explain.

Here is a song that we sing out here that I want to share:
"God Is With Us"

God is with us,
in his loving arms
We are safe from harm.
Blessed with his almighty love,
May you find strength from him above.

God Bless,
Jason Walker

ps. feel free to mail me at
824 Santa Clara Place
San Deigo CA 92109

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Its Been A While

So I know that I have failed at keeping up with this as much as possible. Lately God has been teaching me alot in the past two weeks. Since being here I have really come to rely on God alot more with my life. He has also helped give me the perspective to "Live for him today, not tommorrow; since we a not garunteed at tomorrow." The job situation was not working out quite how I had planned but that was the thing, I was making my plan not God's. So Monday morning during my quiet time I pray about what God wanted me to do this summer and that I would follow his will for me. Monday night I then talked to my project director Dan about what I felt God wanted me to do. Since then I have joined a group of about 20 of us students who are doing ministry all summer. I am working on two different campuses this summer. Both Grossmont and Mesa which are junior colleges, prayer for these campuses would be highly appreciated. To give you an idea about the campuses during the year, their enrollments around that of virginia tech, grossmont is around 19,000 students and mesa is at 22,000.It has been cool already just to trust God and know that he will take of me in every aspect of my life including financailly. Since being here I have also built up a solid group of friends to talk to and hold me accountable, which has been great. I have an accountability partner from North DakOta who is a really cool guy. We have gotten to know each other really well. Just the other night this past tuesday to be exact, God humbled me in a good way. We all went out sharing around the mission beach area. A group of us walked past these two 15yr old kids. In my mind I knew that I should go talk to them, but I did not want to. I was not in the mood for it. One of the staff kept telling me to go talk to them and I kept making excuses. Finally I went and talked to them with my sharing partner Kayla from Missouri Baptist. They two kids David and Brady ended up accepting Christ that night. It was cool to see how I did not want to go, but God decided he was gonna use me for his glory anyways. I will try to be consistent with this from now on, but if prayers would be great, if you wanna pray for all of us on anything.
God Bless,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So this is my second full day here in San Diego, already God has challegned me along with the others. Sea World called our director on Thursday before our arrival and said we were not hiring anymore. So now we are looking for jobs in the area. So if you would help pray for us detail that would be greatly appreciated. This morning I was going to take some pictures, however my batteries in my camera were dead so on that note it may take a week or so before I get around to that. As for San Diego it is great, right now it is called "June Gloom" here in which it is overcast almost all day. Even with all of the clouds it is stil nice. The bay is peaceful and the ocean is nice. Many of the other people I have met already have said that they have seen dolphins out in the surf. Back to my reason for being here, we are working on building up a strong fellowship with people here. The people in my small group are from Missouri, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma. They are great guys. I just finished reading through Daniel this morning which has been a long time coming but I have finished. That is all I have for now, but today is busy.
God Bless.